The American Legion
William M. Randolph, Post 593




Wm M. Randolph
The American Legion
Post 593
326 West Legion Dr.
Converse, TX 78109
(210) 658-1111

Welcome letter from the Commander


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The Saga of the Four Chaplains

On February 3, 1943, the U.S.A.T. DORCHESTER was tragically sunk by a German U-boat. Of the 902 young men on board, only 230 survived. Many of those survivors owe their lives to the courage and leadership exhibited by the heroic Four Chaplains, who, in sacrificing their lives, created a unique legacy of brotherhood.

Thousands of Memorial Services honoring the Four Chaplains, such as the one held at The American Legion, Post 593 each year, will be held across the nation this year. This service is a tribute to those courageous Chaplains and the 672 brave young men who lost their lives on that fateful night. Further, this service honors all those who have served, and whose courage and faith have sustained our country.

Below are video clips from the service that was held at Post 593 in February 2008.  Then, below those are videos that I found on You Tube:  one from a crew member of the German U-Boat that launched the torpedo that sunk the Dorchester and another from survivors of the attack against the Dorchester.

Post 593 is proud to remember and honor the brave sacrifices made in service to our nation.

For God and Country,

Dennis Ducharme
Post 593 Chaplain

PS:  Click here for a copy in MS Word format of the script we use for the Four Chaplains Ceremony:  Four Chaplains Script



Click Here for Pictures of the Ceremony


1.  Four Chaplains Video – Billy Feehan singing the National Anthem

2.  Four Chaplains Video – Dennis Ducharme telling the story of the Four Chaplains

3.  Four Chaplains Ceremony - Billy Feehan singing You Raise Me Up

4.  Four Chaplains Ceremony - George Fox Bio

Four Chaplains Ceremony, Jack Leanhart reading the biography of George Fox at The American Legion, Post 593 in Converse TX in February 2008.

5.  Four Chaplains Ceremony – Alexander Goode Bio

Four Chaplains Ceremony, Joe Guastella reading the biography of Alexander Goode at The American Legion, Post 593 in Converse TX in February 2008.

6.  Four Chaplains Ceremony – Clark Poling Bio

Four Chaplains Ceremony, Gary Bartel reading the biography of Clark Poling at The American Legion, Post 593 in Converse TX in February 2008.

7.  Four Chaplains Ceremony – John P. Washington Bio

Four Chaplains Ceremony, Marcelo Buckley reading the biography of John P. Washington at The American Legion, Post 593 in Converse TX in February 2008.

8.  Four Chaplains Ceremony – Amazing Grace

Four Chaplains Ceremony, Billy Feehan singing Amazing Grace at The American Legion, Post 593 in Converse TX in February 2008.

Two Videos I Found on

9.  Survivors recount the sinking of the USAT Dorchester, when nearly 700 persons died, and when four chaplains of different faiths, a Catholic Priest, a Jewish Rabbi and two Protestant Ministers guided wounded men to life boats and gave up their places on the boats as well as their life vests to save lives. One survivor recalled, "The last thing I saw, the Four Chaplains were up there praying for the safety of the men. They had done everything they could. I did not see them again." Special thanks to David Fox and the Immortal Chaplains Foundation for bringing us this incredible story.

10.  U-223 1st Officer Buske Feb. 2, 2008 ICF Event presentation.


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**Special Thanks to Jim and Patti Bennett for the pictures and video of the ceremony.  Jim is our Post Historian.


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William M. Randolph
The American Legion, Post 593
Converse, Texas 78109
(210) 658-1111

Questions or comments about this site?  Email the webmaster:  Dennis Ducharme at